Author: Pronovotech

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Autumn Statement 2023 – R&D Tax Relief Scheme Changes

As expected, the Autumn Statement, delivered on Wednesday 22nd November, confirmed the merger of the SME and large company R&D schemes, starting with accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2024.

The single scheme will take the form of the existing large company R&D Expenditure Credit (RDEC) scheme which provides a taxable 20% above-the-line credit – effectively a grant.

Changes for Loss-Making Companies

The RDEC scheme also features a payable credit for loss-making companies.

A change announced on Wednesday though is that the tax deduction from the credit will be 19% for loss-makers rather than the current 25%, meaning an effective benefit of 16.2%.

This still compares unfavourably with the reduced current rate under the SME scheme of 18.6% – already much reduced from the previous benefit of up to 33.35%.

In another relaxation, the R&D expenditure threshold for R&D-intensive loss-making SMEs – who can claim a higher rate of credit of just under 27% – will be reduced from 40% to 30% of total expenditure. This is forecast to benefit some 5,000 companies. Additionally, a year of grace will apply so a company exceeding the threshold in year 2 can still benefit from the enhanced rate.

Changes Relating to Subcontracting

A major change to the proposed rules is in relation to subcontracting.

The original proposal was for an SME-scheme style system where the paying company would claim. Now, the company that decides R&D is required will have the right to claim, which could be the customer or the supplier depending on the circumstances. This broadly corresponds with how most understand the current law to operate in any event, with a number of cases due to be heard at First Tier Tribunal (FTT) level in the coming months.

In our view, the latest changes to the proposed single scheme are to be welcomed in our view, particularly the subcontract rules.


If you have any queries on the proposals or indeed any aspect of R&D tax relief do get in touch.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

New Additional Information Form for R&D Tax Claims: What You Need to Know

From 8 August 2023, claimants for R&D tax relief or expenditure credits will need to submit an additional information form (AIF) to HMRC. This form complements the existing submission and will enable HMRC to identify fraud and errors more easily.

**Claimants will need to send the AIF before submitting the company’s Corporation Tax Return, otherwise the claim will not be valid and will be rejected by HMRC.**

As well as setting out basic company information and summaries of the types of costs claimed, the AIF itself aims to provide a high level overview of projects incurring the most significant expenditure.

There are seven key questions that need to be answered:

  • What is the main field of science or technology?
  • What was the baseline level of science or technology that the company planned to advance? Here, HMRC are looking to establish the current industry ‘state-of-the art’ and use this as the benchmark with which to compare your technological advance. If you’re trying to improve an existing process or technology, what were the existing features and capabilities? If you’re trying to develop new knowledge in a particular area of science or technology, then what was known at the outset?
  • What advance in that scientific or technological knowledge did the company aim to achieve?
  • What were the scientific or technological uncertainties that the company faced? This section should outline the limiting factor that is stopping the company from achieving the sought-for technological advance. Its should also explain why the company did not know if it the project goals were possible or could not readily deduce how achieve them (a problem is not an uncertainty if the solution is already documented, or if it can be resolved in a discussion with peers).
  • How did your project seek to overcome these uncertainties?
  • Which tax relief is your business claiming for and what is the amount?
  • What is the amount of qualifying expenditure on Qualifying Indirect Activities? Qualifying costs will now need to separately identify the amount of staffing costs relating to non ‘hands-on’ R&D work such as project administration, project financials and HR work.

While these questions should already be familiar from any technical discussions held with advisors during the claim preparation process, the new highly structured approach requires succinct explanations and so this will certainly influence the nature of those conversations going forward.

As a result, it’s worth having a think about your projects in the context of the points raised above.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Government Proposes Merged R&D Tax Relief Scheme

The Government has published draft legislation setting out details of the proposed single scheme for R&D tax relief covering both SMEs and large companies.

The measures, which are subject to consultation, are set to come into operation from April 2024.

This works effectively as a taxable grant set at 20% of qualifying expenditure that (in most cases) can be set against corporation tax owing or paid in cash, net of a withholding tax at the same level of the main corporation tax rate (now 25%).

The net benefit will therefore range from 15% to 16.2%, depending on the company’s corporation tax rate (higher for companies within the marginal rate tax band). This is lower than the current rate of benefit, even after the reduction announced late last year, and of course much lower than the previous level of up to 33.35% of expenditure.

Despite the overall single scheme proposal, an SME R&D tax credit will remain in place for loss-making R&D intensive SMEs, continuing the concession brought in in this year’s Budget. For these companies (i.e. those with qualifying R&D spend which is at least 40% of overall costs) the maximum benefit is just under 27%.

Contracted R&D

Historically one of the main differences between the SME and RDEC schemes has been the treatment of contracted R&D.

The intention is to use the SME scheme feature, where payments to subcontractors will be an allowable cost but disallowing R&D activity by the claimant if the company has been contracted to undertake it.

Considering this has been an area of considerable debate and disagreement in recent years it is surprising that the Government is going down this route. It would have been much simpler just to allow R&D work carried out under contract whilst disallowing payments to subcontractors.

If you would like to discuss these changes or any aspect of your R&D claims, please get in touch.


by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

What Did the 2023 Spring Budget Say About the R&D Tax Scheme?

Following on from the significant reduction in the R&D tax credit announced in the Autumn Statement, the Chancellor has announced further changes to the scheme.

A new, higher rate of benefit will now be available to loss-making yet R&D-intensive SMEs from 1 April 2023.

For these companies – with qualifying R&D expenditure which is at least 40% of total expenditure in the period – there is now a maximum effective benefit of just under 27%.

This new, higher rate will be particularly welcome for startups where R&D is the main focus of activity and is expected to be worth around £500 million per year.

However, there is no doubt that the move will bring added complexity, especially where the level of spend is borderline.

Furthermore, claims for the higher rate cannot be made until legislated in a future Finance Act, so companies may need to claim at the reduced rate first and refile late to benefit from the higher level.

We’ll be keeping a close eye on how the legislation develops.

Additional Changes to the Scheme.

  • Additional information, to be provided by a digital form, must be supplied for all claims made from 1 August 2023. Companies will need to ensure their advisers complete the new form to avoid claims being rejected.
  • The restriction of qualifying subcontract costs to UK-based only activity will be delayed to 1 April 2024. This is to allow the Treasury to consider the impact on the planned merger of the R&D tax credit and R&D Expenditure Credit into a single scheme for all companies.

Taken together with the previously announced changes, the latest developments mean that further complexity and uncertainty has been added to the process of claiming R&D tax relief, so that companies need to ensure more than ever that they are getting the right advice.

If you would like to discuss the changes or indeed any aspect of your R&D claims please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

HMRC Consult on the Future of the UK’s R&D Tax Scheme

Following a whole range of reforms already announced in last November’s Autumn Statement, HMRC is now consulting on ways to simplify the UK’s R&D tax schemes.

In particular, the proposal is for a single R&D scheme – for all sizes of company – based on the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) currently applied to large companies and SMEs carrying out grant-funded or subcontract R&D.

In other words, the SME scheme which has been in place since 2000 would be replaced, possibly from 1 April 2024.

A number of areas are being consulted on:

  • Whether the new scheme should be an “above the line” credit like the current RDEC, enabling it to be accounted for in pre-tax profits and taxed similar to an R&D grant.
  • What alternative schemes might be adopted.
  • Whether to provide more generous support to more R&D intensive companies.
  • Whether there should be a minimum expenditure level.
  • How subcontracting should be dealt with (a major differentiator between the current SME and RDEC schemes).
  • Simplification of the PAYE/NIC cap.

Any new scheme may come into effect as early as 1 April 2024, so coming on top of the reduction in the rate of the R&D tax credit and the introduction of various compliance measures from 1 April this year, it’s clear that the R&D tax claim landscape is going to look very different in just over 12 months’ time.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the proposed changes so please do get in touch if you want to discuss them or indeed any aspect of your R&D tax claim.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Was the Government’s Autumn Statement the most defining fiscal decision of our times?

Tax rises across the board and massive spending cuts – all largely expected of course – are a sobering reminder of just how parlous a state the country’s finances have become.

For the R&D tax schemes though there is one thing of particular significance.

For the first time since they were introduced in 2000, the tax benefits of the SME scheme have been substantially reduced. Even the financial crash of 2008 saw the scheme survive unscathed. At the same time, the R&D Expenditure Credit (“RDEC”) scheme – aimed at large companies primarily – has been enhanced significantly.

The SME scheme benefit is to be reduced in two ways

  • Firstly, the additional deduction will go down from 130% to 86% from 1 April 2023.

The effect in terms of tax benefit is somewhat muddied because of the simultaneous increase in corporation tax rates, but for a company paying the maximum rate of 25% the benefit will decrease from 24.7% of qualifying expenditure to 21.5% whilst that for a company still paying at the 19% rate will reduce from 24.7% to 16.34%.

  • For a loss-making company, the cash credit currently available is a maximum of 33.35% of qualifying expenditure; from 1 April 2023 this will reduce to just 18.6%.

Changes to the RDEC scheme

In contrast to the substantial reduction in benefit under the SME scheme, here there is to be a significant enhancement to the RDEC scheme for large companies (although SMEs are also able to claim under it for projects that have been subsidised by grants or, in some cases, that have been contracted to them).

The RDEC operates differently to the SME scheme.

Effectively a taxable grant that can be set off against corporation tax due or repaid in cash if no tax liabilities exist.

The current rate is 13% of qualifying expenditure so after corporation tax of 19% the benefit in net terms is 10.53%.

From 1 April the rate increases to 20%, so a company paying the full 25% corporation tax rate will see a net benefit of 15%.

Why are these changes being made?

The overall effect of the changes is to narrow the differential between the SME and RDEC schemes.

The logic of this change, on the face of it, appears difficult to understand – successive governments have always given lip service at least to championing smaller enterprises on the basis that they need the most financial assistance and, allowed to flourish, will one day grow to become world leaders themselves.

In the context of other changes announced however it is possible to view the change of emphasis as a reaction to the growing perception that the generosity of the SME scheme has been open to abuse.

HMRC have become increasingly aware of an increase in erroneous or even fraudulent claims, spurred on by a significant increase in the number of advisers felt to be less than reputable with … little respect for the rules. So, following on from previous announcements on tightening reporting requirements and pre-notification, the drastic cut in benefit might be part of an overall push to discourage bad faith claims as much as a fiscal austerity measure. We expect to learn more through our discussions with HMRC in the coming months.

One thing the changes make absolutely clear is the need for companies to be sure of getting the right advice from established advisers. Here at Pronovotech we have been helping innovative companies of all sizes since 2006.

If you would like to discuss the impact of the changes on your R&D claims, please get in touch now.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Our View on the November 2021 R&D Tax Reliefs Report

Dear Sirs

We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Government’s proposals announced in the R&D Tax Reliefs Report published in November 2021. We are a firm of specialist advisers on R&D tax schemes founded in 2006 and a member of the R&D Consultative Committee.

We present our responses to the various aspects in the report below.


1) Data and Cloud Computing Costs

As a widening of the range of costs qualifying under the R&D tax schemes, we see the introduction of relief for datasets as a positive benefit to a number of companies in different sectors.

However, we are disappointed with the omission of hosting costs from the scope of allowable cloud computing expenditure.

To many software development companies, the costs incurred to access online hosting environments for development work are considerable – as well as essential to the R&D project – and our clients are often perplexed at the exclusion of this element from their claims.

In contrast, the kinds of items within the proposed categories are, in our experience, a much less common aspect and thus likely to be of little benefit.


2) Refocusing the Reliefs Towards Innovation in the UK

It is not difficult to understand the policy thinking behind the proposals to remove relief for overseas subcontract costs and those relating to Externally Provided Workers (EPWs) outside the UK.

The general public is likely to hold the view that the UK R&D tax benefit should reward and incentivise innovative activity taking place in this country.

Nevertheless, many claimant companies will see their claims reduce significantly where they currently outsource parts of their project work to overseas suppliers, whether on a subcontract basis or to supplement the in-house team with a temporary workforce. Although cost is undoubtedly a factor in such decisions, access to the appropriate skills is often another.

An alternative to abolishing relief entirely in such cases might be to offer different levels of relief or credit. For instance, for SMEs the additional deduction might be higher for UK costs whilst for large companies an adjustment to the amount of qualifying cost could be made such that UK subcontractors or staff providers are favoured.


3) Abuse and Compliance

For some years it has been a concern amongst R&D specialists that reputational damage to the R&D schemes could arise because of questionable practices amongst some entrants to the field.

Regulatory measures such as Anti-Money Laundering supervision and voluntary codes of practice such as Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation (PCRT) have unfortunately done little to stem the tide. We therefore welcome a drive to improve compliance and tackling abuse.

The requirement to file claims electronically is a sensible move and only surprising that it has not been in place sooner. We have been filing all claims this way since 2010. All our claims are accompanied by a report setting out the types of expenditure included as well as the how the projects meet the criteria in the Guidelines, so we also welcome this information being required. We would hope that these measures will set a minimum disclosure level that claimants and their advisers aim to meet.

Our standard claim practice is to explain which personnel from the claimant company have been involved in preparing the claim, particularly on the project technical side, so we believe it makes sense to introduce a statutory sign-off. There has been concern that some advisers file claims without any review or ownership by the company’s technical lead so it is to be hoped that the proposal will crack down on such practice.

We are concerned however that the notification requirement may penalise both start-up companies and those commencing an R&D project for the first time.

We imagine that the objective may be to clamp down on “sweep-up” claims for first-time claimants in relation to prior periods still within the time limit. A fairer way would be for notification prior to the end of the relevant accounting period itself or even within the standard 12-month return filing deadline.

We would also caution against taking the view that a commission or contingent fee basis is necessarily a potential indicator of abuse.

Such a fee basis is common in the sector and whilst we have always taken the view that the R&D schemes are there to benefit innovative companies rather than their advisers, a percentage fee basis is often a fair method of assessing the work involved whilst providing automatic value for money.

Once again we thank HM Treasury and HMRC for the opportunity to provide input to future thinking on the R&D tax schemes. If there are any responses to which you would like further clarification, please contact us.

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Pronovotech’s Response to Government’s R&D Tax Claim Consultation

Dear Sirs

R&D Tax Reliefs: Consultation

We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Government’s consultation on various aspects of the R&D tax schemes. We are a firm of specialist advisers on R&D tax schemes founded in 2006 and a member of the R&D Consultative Committee.

We present our responses below.

Question 1 – Do you consider your company to be a research-intensive firm? How does your business benefit from the R&D reliefs (e.g. cashflow, reduced tax liability)? If your company is an SME that claims under both the SME tax relief and RDEC, what is your experience of using each scheme and how do they compare?

Within our client base the R&D intensity varies considerably. In some start up companies, it can be close to 100% whilst it can be as low as 3% of turnover in more established businesses where qualifying activity is an ancillary activity to everyday operations.

In some industries such as automation control, R&D takes place on many customer projects as each situation is different, requiring a novel technological approach and here the level can be over 50%. The benefit can take the form of an annual cash injection through the R&D tax credit scheme, reduced (or even eliminated) corporation tax liability or the ability to factor the R&D tax benefit into project costing decisions.

Many SME claimants find the distinction between SME and RDEC claims confusing such as not being able to claim limited company subcontract costs in the latter or having to restrict them to 65% for payments to individuals in the former but not for the latter.

We also find that the operation of the RDEC scheme is not generally well-understood among small accounting firms advising SMEs having to claim under it for grant-funded or subcontracted R&D projects.


Question 2 – Is there a case for consolidating the two schemes into one? What do you value about the design of the current schemes that might be lost if they were unified?

As mentioned above SMEs often have difficulty understanding the different rules and operation of the SME and RDEC schemes.

This comes into play when an SME has a mixed claim for own-account and subsidised or contract R&D expenditure. Rather than amend the RDEC scheme wholesale we would suggest looking at a modified version of the SME scheme for such situations, delivering a lower benefit roughly in line with the existing RDEC but operating in the same way as the SME R&D tax relief.


Question 3 – What do you think explains the difference in additionality between the two schemes? How could the schemes be improved to incentivise the R&D your business does or might consider doing? Can you give evidence to support your suggestions?

Perhaps the differences in additionality might be explained by other factors and not necessarily a causative relationship between the R&D tax scheme and investment. An option that might more closely tie the benefit to R&D would be for claimants to be required to state what it might be spent on and how that might benefit the business.


Question 4 – To what extent do the rates of relief available to you impact your investment decisions and/or your choice of location? Is the balance of relief between the two schemes appropriate? Is there any evidence of significant deadweight where investment decisions would proceed without relief?

Based on our experience, the availability and rate of any R&D tax incentive is just one factor influencing decisions on where multinational groups locate their operations, among aspects such as workforce skills, cost base and overall tax environment. However clients view the two UK schemes as generous and relatively straightforward in terms of structure and administration.


Question 5 – Would a departure from the ordinary Corporation Tax self-assessment system be justified? Should more information and assurance be required from companies at the point of claiming? Should a company providing more information upfront be treated differently?

The interaction with the corporation tax system provides both a legislative and administrative framework for the R&D schemes’ operation. Additionally, being part of the corporation tax sphere enables regulation and ongoing professional standards to be more easily maintained. We would therefore not be in favour of decoupling the claim process from the corporation tax return system.

At present it is not mandatory to provide supporting information with a claim made in a return but most advisers do so as a matter of best practice. Whilst we would not want to see a mandatory report format that was too restrictive we would be in favour of a requirement to supply a certain level of supporting information to encourage disclosure.


Question 6 – When did you first claim, and what prompted you to do so? Do you use an agent? If so, why? What is your experience of how agents’ fees are structured? How could the expertise and specialist knowledge of agents assisting with R&D claims be improved?

We have seen a number of small companies prepare claims in-house but the need for specialist knowledge and experience of the scheme and tax in general often results in claims prepared in-house being challenged.

Our philosophy on fees has always been that there should be some reflection of the actual work involved – whereas we have heard of some less reputable advisers abusing the scheme in order to generate enormous and disproportionate fees.

As passionate supporters of an innovation-led economy we strongly believe the R&D tax schemes should exist to primarily reward businesses performing R&D, not their advisers.

There has been a recent push to formulate a set of standards for R&D claim work with the Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation initiative, which we support and adhere to. HMRC could raise awareness of this to help companies can choose a reputable adviser.


Question 7 – How can the responsibilities of HMRC, agents and the company be better reflected in the claims process?



Question 8 – What other changes might help claims to be dealt with more smoothly, while ensuring better compliance? Is there a way HMRC and advisers can work more effectively to improve the quality of external advice available to companies? If you claim R&D tax reliefs in other countries, how does the claim process differ and what are your views on this?

The introduction of the R&D tax units in 2006 was a major step in the administration of the reliefs, with dedicated, regional specialists providing a more consistent approach and local contact.

Since then the units have undergone considerable and regular reorganisation which we feel has not been wholly helpful.

Although the R&D schemes operate within the self-assessment system it is very important that when a claimant company receives a payment (whether an R&D tax credit or a repayment of corporation tax) it is confident HMRC will not subsequently ask for it back, sometimes long after it has been spent.

We understand that repayment claims do receive some level of inspection before monies are paid out which gives some level of assurance but we would welcome some form of confirmation that the claim has been accepted, with any caveats if necessary.

Even if HMRC had the resources, we would not like to see audits occurring in every case. Anecdotal evidence suggests the US system is adversarial in nature and indeed before the introduction of the R&D units in the UK a similar atmosphere existed then, which had the effect of undermining confidence in the claim process. Instead we would support more training being available to HMRC to enable staff to identify claims that might warrant further enquiry.


Question 9 – Is there evidence to suggest areas of activity other than those currently covered by the R&D definition drive positive externalities which should be recognised by the tax system?

One area that would benefit from being included is the field of mathematics.

Paragraph 15 of the Guidelines excludes work in mathematics unless it is part of a wider project of a technological nature. However the distinction is blurred in practice as work on computer software forms a large part of projects in the field of mathematics. Also, the work in the area is no less ground-breaking and creative so we see no real policy reason for the distinction.

We would also suggest the inclusion of work on applying for patents.


Question 10 – Do you think R&D tax reliefs could better incentivise R&D with specific social value, for example developing green technology? Could R&D tax reliefs be used to disincentivise R&D in certain fields?

We would be supportive of a flexible approach to the levels of relief available in certain sectors enabling the government to increase support in particular fields as part of wider policy aims which may change over time.


Question 11 – What is your experience of conducting R&D in different regions across the UK? How do R&D tax reliefs benefit these activities, and how could the offer be improved to better support these activities?

Although based in Cambridge we serve a national client base. It is certainly our experience that the majority of claimants are located in the South East and East. This could partly be due to the “snowball” effect whereby the initial wave of claims in the early days of the relief were in those areas, leading to local advisers promoting R&D services.


Question 12 – Are there any other areas of qualifying expenditure that should be included within the reliefs? How would this influence your investment decisions?



Question 13 – What proportion of your R&D expenditure is treated as capital for the purposes of corporation tax? What would be the impact on your R&D activities of increased relief for capital expenditure?

Clients commonly ask whether capital expenditure qualifies for R&D tax credit or RDEC since they are often incurring spend on computers or specialist hardware or dedicated plant and machinery. It would make sense to extend the relief to capital spend in order to more closely tie the benefit to expenditure invested in R&D.

As mentioned above, one other cost that clients are often disappointed does not qualify is that of applying for patents.

Allowing such costs would help incentivise companies to take out patents alongside or in many cases instead of the existing patent box regime, which, particularly for SMEs, is seen as complex and only worthwhile for companies with a very large proportion of qualifying income.


Question 14 – Do you currently claim RDAs? If not, why not? What do you like and/or dislike about RDAs?

In our experience very few companies actually claim RDAs. For many companies their capital spend level is such that the existing 100% Annual Allowance already gives the same level of relief. Where the RDA does tend to come into its own is where spend not normally attracting any capital allowances – buildings mainly – is incurred, providing an absolute tax saving. The most common problem is determining an appropriate proportion relating to R&D where usage tends to fluctuate year on year.


Question 15 – How much of the activity in respect of which you claim R&D in the UK is undertaken outside of the company, and how much of that is not undertaken in the UK? What are the benefits and drawbacks of subcontracting, whether overseas or domestically? What are your commercial/other reasons for carrying out work overseas rather than in the UK?



Question 16 – How could the government distinguish between work that needs to take place abroad and which benefits the UK, and that which doesn’t?

Companies use subcontractors (or externally provided workers) outside the UK primarily on grounds of cost. The differential between the UK and, for example, India or Eastern Europe can be substantial. In our view companies would continue to outsource work to locations such as these instead of the UK irrespective of whether R&D tax relief were to be available as the cost saving would outweigh any tax relief benefit.

In our view attempting to classify overseas work into “good” and “bad” would be difficult to define, lead to increased compliance costs and have little effect in incentivising companies to use UK-based suppliers.


Question 17 – How can we identify the supporting activities which are most valuable for R&D, while providing a clear boundary to assist companies in claiming and HMRC in administering?

We feel that the range of Qualifying Indirect Activities currently within the scope of qualifying cost are a reasonable reflection of the supporting roles that should be included. Restricting these to a limited range of activities would introduce unwelcome complexity.

Once again we thank HM Treasury and HMRC for the opportunity to provide input to future thinking on the R&D tax schemes. If there are any responses to which you would like further clarification, please contact us.


Yours faithfully

Richard Lewis

Director, Pronovotech Ltd

by Pronovotech Pronovotech No Comments

Government launches new R&D consultation

The government has just launched a review of the R&D tax relief schemes with the headline driver being to ‘raise total investment in research and development to 2.4% of UK GDP by 2027’ (previously the target associated with the scheme was 1.7%).

The process has begun with the issue of a consultation document, with the deadline date for responses of June 2nd 2021.

The implication is that the government is aiming to step up its support for R&D, but wants to do so in ways that improve both the impact and the cost-effectiveness of providing that support. The government also wants to ‘ensure that the reliefs remain up-to-date, competitive and well-targeted’.

A Broader Scope

In recent years, there have been changes to the scheme, including steady improvements in the benefits available and measures to reduce fraud. Recent targeted consultations have addressed the questions of specific areas of technology, for example, bringing cloud computing costs and the costs of data required to support R&D into the scope of the reliefs.

However, the new consultation is aiming to look at the entire picture by exploring ‘the nature of private-sector R&D investment in the UK, how that is supported or otherwise influenced by the R&D relief schemes, and where changes may be appropriate’.

The consultation is even soliciting views on long-established aspects of the R&D tax scheme, including the definition(s) of R&D, the eligibility criteria and the scope of the reliefs.

The wording of the consultation even discusses ‘targeting of the reliefs’ which opens up the question of:

  • whether some kinds of R&D deliver better outputs per pound of support or are more valuable to the economy than others; and
  • whether certain industries should be considered more ‘worthy’ of support?

Dealing With Regional Inequality

The consultation is also seeking views on whether the R&D tax scheme has a role in driving a greater spread – geographically and across more organisations – of valuable R&D activity.

It points out that ‘R&D expenditure is concentrated in a relatively small number of large companies. Geographically, claims tend to be concentrated in firms with a registered office in London, the South East or the East of England’.

R&D Advisors and Fee Structures

Question 6 of the consultation invites participants to relay their experiences of agents’ expertise and specialist knowledge and, of course, fee structures.

This comes back to the ‘value for money’ point we always make; a fair fee for the work done is of course right and proper, but the R&D tax scheme is in place to reward the companies doing the R&D in order to stimulate the UK economy, not to channel money to advisors.

Our Initial Response

We would encourage all companies undertaking R&D and claiming (or intending to claim) benefits under the scheme to respond to the consultation, even in part.

At 17 questions, it’s not too onerous an exercise and offers the opportunity to provide inputs on practically every aspect of the scheme. The consultation document can be found here.

Pronovotech will be responding and will, as usual, post our response in due course.
